
The introduction of fixed head

Cable sealing sleeve is a suitable connection cable power supply, also can protect the cable, so it won't escape. Cable sealing device is placed in different categories,depending on whether the glands for general processing industry or in need of protection, prevent the risk is too high or the explosion temperature. Into the armored cate5e network cable glands or no armoring layer and a different type of gland will be required for each variety. The gland itself, can be made of metal, such as copper or aluminum, or plastic, the material is useful in different environments.
When the electrical work is completed, it may be no cable sealing, to ensure theelectrical equipment wire, but there are several reasons, this is a bad idea. Glandsprovide sealing power, so as to ensure that the RCA audio cable will not slip during operation.Security is also provided, because the mini displayport cable gland to ensure that electricity can not attached to anyone nearby, causing bodily harm. Glands usually provide other safety features, such as the earth wire or insulated cable.
To have two categories: Industrial and hazardous for RCA video cable sealing. Industrial cablesealing joint is a general use of the gland, in order to meet the requirements ofgeneral risk, so it is useful or dangerous explosion in high-temperature environments.If the environment is harmful substances, the use of dangerous gland, because these glands to meet additional requirements necessary. They are fortified with extra, so that they can resist common glands cannot withstand the temperature and external forces.
Two types of cables can be sealed sleeve is classified as armored or unarmoredcable into, which will play glands work will rebound. Armored cat6 ethernet cable will need a gland,can clip into the wire, and the ability to terminate the energy from the armor part. Nonarmoured line does not require termination, but the glands need highly protected andpreserved, in order to maintain the safety of wire.
Most cable gland cell is made from brass, which is considered, as a general materialis resistant to corrosion and electrical conductivity. In the aluminum and the presence of moisture at the same time, the corrosion of brass can start. Brass is often associated with other metal plating, to make the gland is stronger, better corrosion.Plastic is often used as an alternative to metal glands.

