What do I need a high-density patch panels network is constantly
expanding, the cable also unwittingly increase. Network Storage Rack is
usually the weak in every building room (room or with the security of
the main wiring / devices). The room area is fixed, along with the
growing number of cables, many network administrators face the crowded
cable racks and WISDOM 24 port patch panel limited room space do nothing, how can the room tidy,
well-organized layout design? 12 port patch panel is a huge problem
faced by users. The solution to this problem solution for high-density
wiring. First, from the design point of view
One thing cabling
requirements do not know if you noticed not, the point is that the
information requirements of data, voice, points can be exchanged when
necessary, that same voice point, without changing the wiring of the
situation by jumper selection Voice or data is determined. Thus, when
the wiring point voice and data points are the same, 12 port patch panel
design is very easy, no considered separately, the device can be
If cost is not an important consideration, the receipt of
all the information points rj45 patch panel, and then decide on WISDOM adsl splitter a jump
by a jumper switch or voice patch panel (can be either 110 stg and other
types of voice module). Of course, this is not considered a design
costs, but also a thorough and voice or data terminals are considered
design. Actual use is still very small. In most cases 12 port patch
panel or to consider the difference between voice and data, and specific
approaches there are many.
Second, from a construction point of view
engineering information points very much, between switching equipment
and cabling systems can be connected using a jumper construction
management becomes more convenient, also very clean the cabinet, after WISDOM hdmi splitter
all, much shorter jumper. Detection is also a lot of convenience.
Third, management of maintenance
fact, in this area are very concerned about the large-scale users,
patch panels can effectively improve work efficiency, reduce
troubleshooting time. For fast and convenient way to use it to replace
the terminals provided.